Lisa Hubbard


Welcome to Solution Based Hypnosis. This is a safe place to share and ask questions about hypnosis.

Hypnosis is not mind control. It's based on neuroscience and helps people control their own minds, thoughts, and actions.

You can solve your problems quickly and permanently with hypnosis.

I am a registered and Board Certified Hypnotist with The National Guild of Hypnotists as well as a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Certified Life Coach.

I use a combination of hypnosis, NLP and EFT (emotional freedom technique) to help people tap into their subconscious mind and discover their symptoms, behaviors, or habits that they would like to change.

Using these tools and techniques I can guide you to release any self limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you and can be holding you back or making you feel stuck. You can absolutely relearn a new positive way of thinking, subconsciously.

My goal is to help bring hypnosis into mainstream healing and thinking. Hypnosis is extremely powerful - and can be used to treat all sorts of issues - including things we consider "everyday" issues - like eating too much, smoking, stress, anxiety, and getting rid of unwanted habits.

Hypnosis works really well in those areas, and works really fast too - so I dream of a day where people think of going to their hypnosis practitioner like they think of going to their family doctor.

But hypnosis is even more powerful than that - hypnosis is a very powerful self-improvement facilitator - that's why I consider myself a change catalyst and self-empowerment facilitator, not only does hypnosis help cure problems, but it also promotes positive improvements.

Hypnosis can be used to overcome stage fright, and public speaking, but it can also be used to improve your personal best time in an athletic event. Hypnosis helps you to imagine the future you want, and when you're able to see your goals in front of you, achieving them suddenly becomes within reach.